石渠寶笈續編(養心殿),第二冊,頁1146&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁532&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十冊,頁191-192&* 惲壽平(西元一六三三—一六九○年),江蘇武進人。自幼天資聰穎,八歲就能作詩,又擅長畫花卉和山水,被讚譽為清初六大家之一。 惲壽平晚期的作品,雖然多半以花卉寫生為主,但是這幅四十六歲所畫的山水,運用禿筆淡墨,描寫大江兩岸的景色,氣勢沉著穩重,不僅深得自然山川的神韻,搭配上長篇的題跋,尤其凸顯了畫家深厚的文學素養。 &* Yün Shou-p’ing, a native of Kiangsu province, was gifted in the arts even as a youth; he reportedly composed poetry by the age of 7. He excelled at painting flowers and landscapes, and he was praised as one of the Six Masters of the Early Ch’ing. Yün Shou-p’ing’s late works were mostly flowers in the “sketching-from-life” manner. This work done at the age of 45, however, is a landscape. The brushwork was done with a blunt brush to render scenery along the banks of a stretch of water. The atmosphere appears solemn and imposing. The artist not only captured the natural harmony of the water and mountains, but he also added a long essay at the top of the work as a complement. This work thus reveals his gift at writing as well. &*惲壽平(1633-1690)是清初六家中,唯一以花卉畫聞名於畫壇的畫家。惲壽平原名格,字壽平,號南田。父親命他以字為名,因此後來也都用「壽平」來題畫落款。惲壽平小時候就跟隨伯父惲向(1586-1656)學畫,惲向以元朝的大畫家黃公望為學習的對象,畫風沉雄而疏逸。受到惲向及清初摹古風氣的影響,惲壽平喜愛臨摹黃公望、倪瓚等大畫家畫作,因此他的畫構圖簡單,水墨淋漓暢快,別有一種蒼茫秀潤之感。 「畫山水」是惲壽平三十六歲時所畫,他在自題中提到,這是仿五代董源、巨然的作品,利用董源、巨然及元代文人畫家所喜愛的披麻皴法來畫遠山及坡岸,因此山頭顯得渾圓蒼潤,再加上苔點及礬石,一片秀潤青翠的遠山就在眼前,用筆快速潑辣,墨色變化豐富,是惲壽平山水畫中的精品。 &*惲壽平(1633-1690),江蘇武進人。初名格,字壽平,號南田,後以字行。自幼天資聰穎,八歲能詩,又擅畫花卉、山水,與王時敏、王鑑、王翬、王原祁和吳歷,並稱為「清初六大家」。 惲壽平晚期的作品,雖然多半以花卉寫生為主,但這幅四十六歲所畫的山水,運用禿筆淡墨,描寫大江兩岸的景色,氣勢沉著穩重,不僅深得自然山川的神韻,搭配上長篇的題跋,尤其凸顯了畫家深厚的文學素養。 (20110913)&*Yun Shouping (early name Ge, style name Shouping [by which he later went], sobriquet Nantian) was a native of Wujin in Jiangsu. Gifted in the arts even as a youth, he reportedly was able to compose poetry by the Chinese age of eight. He also excelled at painting flowers and landscapes, and he was praised along with Wang Shimin, Wang Jian, Wang Hui, Wang Yuanqi, and Wu Li as one of the Six Masters of the Early Qing. Yun Shouping’s late works were mostly flowers in the “sketching-from-life” manner. This work from the Chinese age of 46, however, is a landscape. The brushwork was done with a blunt brush to render scenery along the banks of a large river. The atmosphere appears solemn and imposing. The artist not only captured the natural harmony of the river and mountains, but he also complemented it with a long essay at the top of the work. This painting thus particularly reveals the artist’s literary talents as well. (20110913)